Washington State Counties

State Highlights

Washington: Health insurance coverage

The new Small Area Health Insurance Estimates program from the US Census Bureau has released initial estimates of health insurance coverage for all counties.  Keep in mind that these are experimental estimates based on survey data, population estimates and administrative records.  Still, this is the only dataset with consistent estimates for all counties in the nation.

According to the Census Bureau, a person is considered uninsured if they are not covered by any type of health insurance for the entire year.

In Washington in 2013,

  • 16 percent of the population under age 65, or 942,751 people, had no health insurance coverage compared to 17 percent in all of the U.S.;
  • 5.9 percent of children under the age of 19, or 104,408 children, had no health insurance coverage compared to 7.5 percent of all children in the U.S..

To get the most out of this indicator . . .


Ask questions:


·         Is health insurance coverage improving?

·         Does your county have high or low rates of insurance coverage?

·         How many people in your county lack health insurance?


Look at other indicators:


·         “Poverty & Income: Poverty rate, overall” – If many people in your county don’t have health insurance, does your county also have high poverty rates?

·         “Employment: Unemployment” – Does your county have high or low unemployment rates?


Dig deeper:


·         Look at the county rankings for your state and/or view maps to see how your county compares to others

·    The County Health Rankings website provides a set of county health rankings for every county in the nation.

·         Take a Big Picture view of your county.

·         If you have specific questions, send us an e-mail.

Note: Due to rounding by the Census Bureau, the sum of the county estimates within a state may not equal the state estimate and the sum of the state estimates may not equal the national estimate.

Source: 2005 - 2013: U.S. Bureau of the Census, Small Area Health Insurance Estimates, (http://www.census.gov/hhes/www/sahie/index.html); DATE LAST UPDATED: April 1, 2015.

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